The article stands retracted due to double submission by the author Dr. Aakash Shah .
It is quite regretful that such authors waste the time and resources of the journal.
View the email sent by Dr. Aakash below.
Functional jaw orthopaedic appliances are a treatment modality for the correction of Class II malocclusions due to mandibular retrusion. A wide range of functional appliances which aim to stimulate mandibular growth by holding the mandible forward is available to correct this type of skeletal and occlusal disharmony. However, the effects of functional appliances are still controversial. Numerous animal experiments and clinical studies have been performed to help ascertain the mechanisms underlying the effects of functional appliances and the optimal timing of treatment. This literature review will be restricted to a discussion of the role of functional appliance therapy in the treatment of class II malocclusions.
It is quite regretful that such authors waste the time and resources of the journal.
View the email sent by Dr. Aakash below.

Functional jaw orthopaedic appliances are a treatment modality for the correction of Class II malocclusions due to mandibular retrusion. A wide range of functional appliances which aim to stimulate mandibular growth by holding the mandible forward is available to correct this type of skeletal and occlusal disharmony. However, the effects of functional appliances are still controversial. Numerous animal experiments and clinical studies have been performed to help ascertain the mechanisms underlying the effects of functional appliances and the optimal timing of treatment. This literature review will be restricted to a discussion of the role of functional appliance therapy in the treatment of class II malocclusions.
1. McLain JB, Proffit WR. Oral health status in the United States: prevalence of malocclusion. Journal of Dental Education 1985;49:386-396.
2. Proffit WR, Fields HW, Moray LJ. Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need in the United States: estimates form the N-HANES III survey. International Journal of Adult Orthodontics & Orthognathic Surgery 1998;13:97-106.
3. Ngan PW, Byczek E, Scheick J. Longitudinal evaluation of growth changes in Class II Division I subjects Semin Orthod 1997;3:222-231.
4. McNamara JA. Components of Class II malocclusion in children 8-10 years of age. Angle Orthodontist 1981;51:177-202.
5. Cozza P, Baccetti T, Franchi L, De Toffol L, McNamara JA, Jr. Mandibular changes produced by functional appliances in Class II malocclusion: a systematic review American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2006;129.
6. Angle EH. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth. Philadelphia: SS White; 1907.
7. Bishara SE. Class II malocclusions: Diagnostic and clinical considerations with and without treatment Semin Orthod 2006;12:11-24.
8. Pancherz H, Zieber K, Hoyer B. Cephalometric characteristics of Class II division 1 and Class II division 2 malocclusions: a comparative study in children. . Angle Orthod 1997;67:111-120.
9. Staley RN. Etiology and prevalence of malocclusion In: Bishara SE, editor. Textbook of Orthoodntics. Philadelphia WB Saunders; 2001.
10. Stahl F, Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA, Jr. Longitudinal growth changes in untreated subjects with Class II Division 1 malocclusion. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2008;134:125-137.
11. Bishara SE, Jacobsen JR, Vorhies B. Changes in dentofacial structures in untreated Class II Division I and normal subjects: a longitudinal study. Angle Orthodontist 1997;67:55-66.
12. Kerr WJ, Hirst D. Craniofacial characteristics of subjects with normal and postnormal occlusions- a longitudinal study. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 1987;90:437- 442.
13. Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA, Jr., Tollaro I. Early dentofacial features of Class II malocclusion: a longitudinal study from the deciduous through the mixed dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 1997;111:502-509.
14. Buschang PH, Tanguay R, Demirjian A, LaPalme L, Turkewicz J. Mathematical models of longitudinal mandibular growth for children with nomal and untreated Class II, division I malocclusion. European Journal of Orthodontics 1988;10:227-234.
15. Bishara SE, Hoppens BJ, Jakobsen JR, Kohout FJ. Changes in the molar relationship between the deciduous and permanent dentitions: a longitudinal study. American Journal of Orthodontics 1988;93:19-28.
16. Bishara SE. Mandibular changes in persons with untreated and treated Class II Division I malocclusion. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 1998;113:661-673.
17. Lande MJ. Growth behaviour of the human bony facial profile as revealed by serial cephalometric roentgenology. Angle Orthodontist 1952;22:79-90.
18. Wahl N. Orthodontics in 3 Millennia. Chapter 9: Functional appliances to midcentury. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:829-833.
19. Spalding P. Chapter 20. Treatment of Class II Malocclusions. In: Bishara SE, editor. Orthodontic Treatment 2000. p. 324-374.
20. Andresen V, Haupl K, Petrik L. Das Verhalten der Muskulatur bei Behandlungen mid dem Aktivator. In: Barth JA, editor. Funktionskieferorthopadie. Munich: Verlag; 1957.
21. Pancherz H. History, background and development of the Herbst appliance. Semin Orthod 2003;9:3-11.
22. Pancherz H. Treatment of class II malocclusions by jumping the bite with the Herbst appliance. American Journal of Orthodontics 1979;76:423-442.
23. Frankel R. Decrowding during eruption under the screening influence of vestibular shields. American Journal of Orthodontics 1974;65:372-406.
24. McNamara JA. On the Frankel appliance. J Clin Orthod 1982;16:320-337.
25. Kloehn S. Guiding alveolar growth and eruption of the teeth to reduce treatment time and produce a more balanced denture and face. Angle Orthodontist 1947;17:10-33.
26. Bishara SE, Ziaja RR. Functional appliances: A review American Journal of Orthodontics 1989;95:149-153.
27. Baccetti T, Franchi L, Toth LR, McNamara JA, Jr. Treatment timing for Twin-block therapy. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2000;118:159-170.
28. O'Brien K, Wright J, Conboy F, Sanjie Y, Mandall N, Chadwick S et al. Effectiveness of early orthodontic treatment with the Twin-block appliance: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. Part 1: Dental and skeletal effects. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2003;124:234-243.
29. Sanden E, Pancherz H, Hansen K. Complications during Herbst appliance treatment. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 2004;38:130-134.
30. Pancherz H. The effects, limitations, and long-term dentofacial adaptations to treatment with the Herbst appliance. Seminars in Orthodontics 1997;3:232-243.
31. Carels C. Concepts on functional appliances‟ mode of action. American Journal of Orthodontics 1987;92:162-168.
32. Herren P. The activator‟s mode of action. American Journal of Orthodontics 1959;45:512-527.
33. Harvold EP. The activator in interceptive orthodontics. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1974.
34. Woodside DG, Metaxas A, Altuna G. The influence of functional appliance therapy on glenoid fossa remodelling. American Journal of Orthodontics 1987;92:181-198.
35. AAO Council on Scientific Affairs. Functional appliances and long-term effects on mandibular growth. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2005;128:271-272.
36. Vargervik K, Harvold EP. Response to activator treatment in Class II malocclusions. American Journal of Orthodontics 1985;88:242-251.
37. Creekmore TD, Radney LJ. Frankel appliance therapy: orthopedic or orthodontic? American Journal of Orthodontics 1983;83:89-108.
38. Johnston LE. Functional appliances: a mortgage on mandibualr position. Australian Orthodontic Journal 1996;14:154-157.
39. Pancherz H, Hansen K. Occlusal changes during and after herbst treatment: a cephalometric investigation. European Journal of Orthodontics 1986;8:215-228.
2. Proffit WR, Fields HW, Moray LJ. Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need in the United States: estimates form the N-HANES III survey. International Journal of Adult Orthodontics & Orthognathic Surgery 1998;13:97-106.
3. Ngan PW, Byczek E, Scheick J. Longitudinal evaluation of growth changes in Class II Division I subjects Semin Orthod 1997;3:222-231.
4. McNamara JA. Components of Class II malocclusion in children 8-10 years of age. Angle Orthodontist 1981;51:177-202.
5. Cozza P, Baccetti T, Franchi L, De Toffol L, McNamara JA, Jr. Mandibular changes produced by functional appliances in Class II malocclusion: a systematic review American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2006;129.
6. Angle EH. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth. Philadelphia: SS White; 1907.
7. Bishara SE. Class II malocclusions: Diagnostic and clinical considerations with and without treatment Semin Orthod 2006;12:11-24.
8. Pancherz H, Zieber K, Hoyer B. Cephalometric characteristics of Class II division 1 and Class II division 2 malocclusions: a comparative study in children. . Angle Orthod 1997;67:111-120.
9. Staley RN. Etiology and prevalence of malocclusion In: Bishara SE, editor. Textbook of Orthoodntics. Philadelphia WB Saunders; 2001.
10. Stahl F, Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA, Jr. Longitudinal growth changes in untreated subjects with Class II Division 1 malocclusion. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2008;134:125-137.
11. Bishara SE, Jacobsen JR, Vorhies B. Changes in dentofacial structures in untreated Class II Division I and normal subjects: a longitudinal study. Angle Orthodontist 1997;67:55-66.
12. Kerr WJ, Hirst D. Craniofacial characteristics of subjects with normal and postnormal occlusions- a longitudinal study. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 1987;90:437- 442.
13. Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA, Jr., Tollaro I. Early dentofacial features of Class II malocclusion: a longitudinal study from the deciduous through the mixed dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 1997;111:502-509.
14. Buschang PH, Tanguay R, Demirjian A, LaPalme L, Turkewicz J. Mathematical models of longitudinal mandibular growth for children with nomal and untreated Class II, division I malocclusion. European Journal of Orthodontics 1988;10:227-234.
15. Bishara SE, Hoppens BJ, Jakobsen JR, Kohout FJ. Changes in the molar relationship between the deciduous and permanent dentitions: a longitudinal study. American Journal of Orthodontics 1988;93:19-28.
16. Bishara SE. Mandibular changes in persons with untreated and treated Class II Division I malocclusion. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 1998;113:661-673.
17. Lande MJ. Growth behaviour of the human bony facial profile as revealed by serial cephalometric roentgenology. Angle Orthodontist 1952;22:79-90.
18. Wahl N. Orthodontics in 3 Millennia. Chapter 9: Functional appliances to midcentury. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:829-833.
19. Spalding P. Chapter 20. Treatment of Class II Malocclusions. In: Bishara SE, editor. Orthodontic Treatment 2000. p. 324-374.
20. Andresen V, Haupl K, Petrik L. Das Verhalten der Muskulatur bei Behandlungen mid dem Aktivator. In: Barth JA, editor. Funktionskieferorthopadie. Munich: Verlag; 1957.
21. Pancherz H. History, background and development of the Herbst appliance. Semin Orthod 2003;9:3-11.
22. Pancherz H. Treatment of class II malocclusions by jumping the bite with the Herbst appliance. American Journal of Orthodontics 1979;76:423-442.
23. Frankel R. Decrowding during eruption under the screening influence of vestibular shields. American Journal of Orthodontics 1974;65:372-406.
24. McNamara JA. On the Frankel appliance. J Clin Orthod 1982;16:320-337.
25. Kloehn S. Guiding alveolar growth and eruption of the teeth to reduce treatment time and produce a more balanced denture and face. Angle Orthodontist 1947;17:10-33.
26. Bishara SE, Ziaja RR. Functional appliances: A review American Journal of Orthodontics 1989;95:149-153.
27. Baccetti T, Franchi L, Toth LR, McNamara JA, Jr. Treatment timing for Twin-block therapy. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2000;118:159-170.
28. O'Brien K, Wright J, Conboy F, Sanjie Y, Mandall N, Chadwick S et al. Effectiveness of early orthodontic treatment with the Twin-block appliance: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. Part 1: Dental and skeletal effects. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2003;124:234-243.
29. Sanden E, Pancherz H, Hansen K. Complications during Herbst appliance treatment. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 2004;38:130-134.
30. Pancherz H. The effects, limitations, and long-term dentofacial adaptations to treatment with the Herbst appliance. Seminars in Orthodontics 1997;3:232-243.
31. Carels C. Concepts on functional appliances‟ mode of action. American Journal of Orthodontics 1987;92:162-168.
32. Herren P. The activator‟s mode of action. American Journal of Orthodontics 1959;45:512-527.
33. Harvold EP. The activator in interceptive orthodontics. St Louis: CV Mosby; 1974.
34. Woodside DG, Metaxas A, Altuna G. The influence of functional appliance therapy on glenoid fossa remodelling. American Journal of Orthodontics 1987;92:181-198.
35. AAO Council on Scientific Affairs. Functional appliances and long-term effects on mandibular growth. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2005;128:271-272.
36. Vargervik K, Harvold EP. Response to activator treatment in Class II malocclusions. American Journal of Orthodontics 1985;88:242-251.
37. Creekmore TD, Radney LJ. Frankel appliance therapy: orthopedic or orthodontic? American Journal of Orthodontics 1983;83:89-108.
38. Johnston LE. Functional appliances: a mortgage on mandibualr position. Australian Orthodontic Journal 1996;14:154-157.
39. Pancherz H, Hansen K. Occlusal changes during and after herbst treatment: a cephalometric investigation. European Journal of Orthodontics 1986;8:215-228.
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How to Cite
Shah DA, Shah DP, Goje DSK, Shah DR, Modi DB. Retracted Article: Functional Appliances in the Treatment of Class II Malocclusion- A Review. J Med Res Innov. 2017;1(1). DOI: 10.15419/jmri.20
Publication history
Received: 03-02-2017
Published: 08-02-2017
Published: 08-02-2017
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