Human growth and development occur as a result of numerous processes which gets initiated under the influence of endocrine hormones. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) plays a most pivotal role in the growth and organ development of a child. IGF-1 is a peptide that belongs to somatomedins group of hormones, also known as somatomedin C. It releases from the liver and other tissues under the influence of growth hormone (GH). The liver is the main protagonist source of IGF-1 hence any disease that can cause liver dysfunction will eventually lead to growth impairment. During the period of growth regulation with GH therapy in liver disease and/or post liver transplantation, the persistent deficiency of IGF-1 proves to be a big challenge to therapy. Growth hormone therapy together with IGF-1 infusion can lead to good results on growth. Therefore, it is important to focus on IGF- level in serum along with Growth hormone while treating a child with poor growth in chronic liver disease and after liver transplantation. The role of IGF-1 therapy should also be considered for better growth and development.
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Published: 08-01-2017
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