Journal of Medical Research and Innovation
The Journal of Medical Research and Innovation (JMRI) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Medicine and its subspecialties with a special interest towards Hypothetical and Innovative Medical Science. JMRI publishes continuously throughout the year. Additional issues may be published for special events (e.g. conferences) and when special themes are addressed.
ISSN: 2456-8139, Editor in Chief: Dr. Varshil Mehta, Publisher: Medkrux (from May, 2023)
Acceptance Rate (2022): 17.86%, Access: Open Access from 2020, Article Processing Charge: Know more
Index Copernicus Value-2020: 100, Impact Factor (Dimensions): 2.43, H-Index (Google Scholar): 14
Frequency: Continuous, Abbreviation: J Med Res Innov, Contact:
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