Spinal manipulation (SM) has been documented to have various physiological effects, of which the research literature has started to reflect over the past decade. This case study was designed with intent to further investigate these findings. A 31 year old woman with experience of lifting weights and working a very physical job presented with ipsilateral right-sided lower neck and shoulder pain (C7-T4, right trapezius, and right scapula area) and bilateral low back pain (L1-L5 and S.I joint area). Following the examination, a differential diagnosis list was decided on with the input of multiple doctors and therapists. The primary treatment was SM over a time span of 6 months. The patient displayed significant results. Objective testing through a follow-up range of motion (ROM) examination showed an increase in ROM and a spinal examination presented a reduction in local muscle tightness. In addition, subjectively, the patient reported a significant reduction in pain, an increase in movement confidence, and ability. The results of this case study suggest that SM in conjunction with patient education has a significant positive effect on the patient’s reduction of pain, local muscle tightness and increase in ROM, and patient movement ability and confidence. Further studies are required to isolate the specific effects of SM in a high-powered study and clinical setting.
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Published: 12-12-2022
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