Article Processing Fees Options

Article Publishing Charges (Options)

1) NIL for Subscription based (Only subscribers will be able to get the full access of the article for free; for every one else, the full access will be provided on payment of 5 USD). Hence, the corresponding author do not have to pay any fees.

2) 100 USD for Open Access (Every one will be able to get full access to the article for no cost). The corresponding author has to pay the fees after acceptance of the article.

3) 199 USD Individual Fellowship- publish unlimited open access articles for a period on year. All fellows shall also get an opportunity to publish one invited editorial at the end of the tenure. The corresponding author should be a fellow.

4) 999 USD Institutional Membership: All articles from the same institution will be published (open access) for free within a period of one year. The corresponding author should be of the same institution. Co-authors can be of any institution.

Authors can select either one of the four options after acceptance of the article. This is done to remove the bias.
